Recruiting Procedures

On receipt of the Demand Letter and Power of Attorney fro the Principal Alliance Group immediately mobilize the recruitment procedures. It has vast network of contacts throughout Bangladesh through its Field Representatives who are the go-between or contact persons and pentrate deep into the far and remote villages to get the actual, tough and hardy worker. The moment we notify these representative about any manpowrer requirement of the principal, they are able to produce quite a sizeable number of persons within the quickest possible time. For the high skilled technicians, we usually publish in the local daily 

newspapers with all the requirement and to for an interview with or without principal agent and select the right people for the right job. Our next step is to obtain N.O.C from the concerned Embassy/authority after the completion of medical and security check-up.
Employment contacts are generally made by the principal directly. On being authorized on behalf of the Employer. Alliace Group may also execute such contract with the employee.
It PTA (er-Paid Ticket Adcive) is not arranged by the principal, we arrange ticket through our Travel Agency and fly the employees in group with the pre-knowldge fo the Employers about their arrival.

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