Message From The Directors

Every credit of ours having been the largest export house of Bangladeshi manpower goes to our valued clients who have confidently placed orders with us.

We are proud of our colleagues and staff for meeting the satisfaction of our clients with sincere effort.

Alliance Group associates and its group has been established to provide clients with the kind of personalized. Specialized and export services that every client is constantly looking for yet very rarely able to avail.

We do provide manpower who think, speak do everything we do. They are we and their cooperation in the process of deals is a must. Fortunately, we get cooperation from our clients probably for we select particular incumbent for particular job and we train orient them suiting with profession before departure. We are proud to say, that our recruiters have gained confidence and we love wherever they have worked for their sincerity, honesty, and hard work.

In the time span of around two decades of manpower trade, Alliance Capital has been her uncompromised Quality control and backup services.

We hope Alliance Group Shall render still better services to clients bringing about name and fame for the nation in the years to come.

We are grateful to the concerned Government organizations and Embassies for all out cooperation without which we could not come to position we stand now.

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